Who is your hero?
My wife.
What is your biggest fear?
not being able to share my voice
What really makes you angry?
Politics and how it affects individuals.
What is your favorite book to read or favorite author?
The Little Prince
What is your opinion of ghosts and phantoms?
I believe in ghosts. I used to be scared of them but I’m more comfortable with them now. When I lived in Charleston, SC I saw ghosts at night in Somerville.
Do you have a favorite song, band, or musician currently?
indie rock/ classic rock (80s)
What makes you laugh the most?
my cats Luna, Tarot, and Duckie
How would your friends describe you?
down to earth
What is the one item you would run into a burning building to save?
My craft bag!
What is the most daring thing you’ve ever done?
coming out
What is your favorite family recipe?
chicken & dumplings that my Nana makes
What is your favorite family tradition?
Going to Taco Bell with my brother on the last day of school.
What is your favorite childhood memory?
summers as a kid- playing outdoors and local areas
Do you collect anything?
Tamagotchi- from childhood and newer ones
Does your family have a “motto”= spoken or unspoken?
You make your own happiness.
Do you have a favorite color palette and/or pattern or one that you identify with?
green & earthy
What is a character trait that you would like to change about yourself and why?